Saturday, November 7, 2009

Getting your neck chopped off

This week, three prominent Belgian athletes received a 12 month suspension from the anti doping authorities. Not because they tested positive, not even because they are accused of using any forbidden substances, but because they failed to comply with anti-doping formalities. More specifically, they did not log into anti-doping website to fill in their whereabouts.

The government requires athletes to disclose their whereabouts, so that they can at all times send an inspector for doping tests. Three failures to comply with the whereabouts requirements is equal to a positive doping test. Penalties are one to two years of suspension.

The three suspended athletes were highly successful and highly respected. They worked hard for their career, performed well and were good sports ambassadors for their country.

In a radio interview, an anti doping official explained that the suspension was conform the law. The Law, he explained had been the result of a Democratic process. And the athletes shared the responsibility in the war against doping.

So there it is: Long live Democracy! Long live the War against Doping! In the name of slogans, we let these people hang out to dry. They stick out their neck. The work three times as many hours as their average countrymen. They become heroes, both national and international. And what happens next? Their necks get chopped off. A twelve month suspension can easily finish of an athletes career.

So shouldn't athletes take responsibility? Yes they should. Shouldn't there be consequences when they break the rule and fail to disclose their whereabouts? Yes there should be consequences. But these consequences should be targeted at improving anti-doping enforcement, not at breaking careers. All officials state their sympathy for the three athletes in question, but still willingly take part in destroying their career. These officials choose to follow procedure instead of showing common sense.

As an entrepreneur I stick out my neck. I solicit funding from the government and from investors. I invest my own time and money. I do this to change the future of hardware design, to create value for my customers. I strive to contribute value to my community by paying taxes and creating new jobs. But if this community chops off heads so easily, where will we keep finding people that are willing to stick out their neck?

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